Sunday, September 30, 2012

President Obama Says Jay-Z And Him Share A Special "Bond"

While Republican Mitt Romney’s campaign spent Tuesday focused on damage control and deflecting criticism from the right about his secretly recorded comments that painted an unflattering picture of 47 percent of Americans, President Obama attended two fundraisers in New York City and paid a visit to late night host David Letterman.

Perhaps the highlight of the president’s trip was a $40,000-per-ticket fundraiser hosted by music power couple Beyoncé and Jay-Z, held at the hip hop mogul’s 40/40 Club. About 100 people, who sipped on wine and champagne and nibbled on finger food, attended the event, according a pool report provided by the White House press corps.

I can’t tell you how proud we are to host tonight’s event with President Obama,” Beyoncé said. “We believe in his vision.”

Obama thanked the couple for their friendship and told the crowd that his wife and daughters were mad at him because they weren’t able to attend the event and that Beyoncé “could not be a better role model for my girls.”

He also said that he and new father Jay-Z have a lot in common.

We both have daughters and our wives are more popular than we are,” the president said. “So, you know, we’ve got a little bond there. It’s hard but it’s OK.

Since the Democrats’ successful convention in Charlotte, Obama’s political fortunes have been on the rise, but given how close the race to the White House still is, he cautioned against growing overly confident.

"I don't want people to be complacent, but I don't want people to be discouraged," he said. “We’re on the brink of an election, but, more importantly, we’re on the brink of moving America in a direction where we’re going to be more just, more fair. The economy’s going to grow in a way that includes everybody, an America that’s respected around the world, because we’re putting forward our best values and our best ideals.”

Earlier in the evening, the president addressed Romney’s videotaped remarks when he taped an episode of The Late Show With David Letterman.

My expectation is if you want to be president you’ve got to work for everybody, not just some,” Obama said, to applause. He also said, “What I think people want to make sure of is you’re not writing off a big chunk of the country.”

Source: BET

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