Friday, September 7, 2012

Pitchfork TV Releases Statement, They Have Pulled Chief Keefs "Selector" Episode

If you don't know Chief Keef's name has been "loosely" attached to the murder of fellow Chicago rapper Lil Jojo, and now "coincidentally"  Pitchfork TV has released a statement claiming that they are pulling his episode of their "Selector" series because it was "insensitive and irresponsible" due to the fact that it was filmed at a gun range. I'm not sure I buy that completely, I think it has more to do with the fact that he's linked to a murder. You can read an excerpt from the full statement below. 

"Given recent news regarding the shooting of Chicago rapper Lil’ Jojo and the investigation of people involved in Chicago’s rap scene, this seems like the right time to express our regrets regarding that episode. We apologize for this mistake and have removed the video from our archives."

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