Saturday, September 1, 2012

New Music: John Osho "John Doe (Forget, To Remember)"

This is the first taste of the The John Doe EP, which is scheduled to drop on September 3rd. Below is the song and John's very own description of the song.

"This song is about, as the title reads, forgetting oneself to truly remember who you are, Putting to death all the labels, definitions, perceived identities attached to us throughout life that distort and disfigure our interaction with the world. I  feel being a ‘creative’ has taught me that especially, people spend so much time attempting to label or define what you do to the point of killing the soul of it, particularly the industry and media, dissecting it into so many small little pieces that fit so perfectly in a nice box, that the whole intention is lost and I myself spent a long time fighting that trying to go beneath the perceptions that I had of myself as a musician to connect with something greater than an projection and I guess it is an on going journey of discovery I doubt it ever stops."

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