Saturday, September 15, 2012

D.L. Hughley Calls Lupe Fiasco "Dumb" For Not Voting

Lupe Fiasco has been vocal about his lack of faith in our political system, and President Obama, but according to comedian D.L. Hughley the rapper’s disposition is dangerous.

Fiasco, who has taken the commander in chief to task on more than one occasion, announced that he has no plans of voting in the forthcoming election. In the eyes of Hughley, Fiasco has a lot to learn. “He’s bright as hell, but dumb in the weight of the world,” he said in an interview. “Young black men are going to listen to him. They are the ones who have decisions made for them, [decisions] that they are not even involved in, which is silly to me. You can’t go through life and not be a participant, and hope things work out for your benefit. When you vote or not vote, you are saying yes or no.

They want to raise the age of social security from 65 to 68…Black men die at 67. Lupe Fiasco forgets that he’s going to be an old man when he’s looking for a social security check, and he dies right after he gets it.

Although Fiasco is not prone to holding his tongue, he has admitted to being flawed. “I’m far from being a knowledgeable and wise young man as well,” he said during a recent performance. “I’m somewhere in the middle. I ain’t no saint either.”

For what it’s worth, Fiasco isn’t the only person in Hip-Hop who’s not afraid to say that they won’t vote. Kendrick Lamar also caused controversy for stating that he “doesn’t believe in voting.”

Source: E Ben Gregory

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