Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Def Jam Releases Statement Regarding Dropping Wax

This is in response to Wax saying that he got dropped because they wanted to turn him "pop".

Rapper Wax who released a statement earlier this week stating his discomfort with Def Jam. It seemed he didn’t make want to make a “pop song”, but that wasn’t the case. A Def Jam employee gave us an exclusive statement.

“Wax wasn’t unhappy, his music wasn’t there. He is a talented freestyler, but that is where he ends. He couldn’t write one song. He was in the room with great song writers, and they saw he couldn’t really do anything besides have a few funny lines. Eminem could do funny lines and do a great song. A good artist can do anything. He couldn’t. Image his whiney voice trying to do a catchy chorus. It just didn’t work.”

After that ether, we wanted more. The employee didn’t want their name out, but we got him on the phone one more time….

“He isn’t good. I am glad we didn’t pay him to come to our label, and he is 42 years old, how do we expect him to make hits for the kids when he is going on fifty.”

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