Wednesday, September 26, 2012

B.o.B Speaks On Album With T.I. + Performing For Obama + More

How does it compare performing in the UK and the rest of Europe to performing in the U.S. and what’s the craziest thing you’ve seen while out on tour?

You know, every time I go overseas the crowds are usually a lot more energetic so there’s a lot of crazy things. I think just all the excitement, you know what I mean. It always takes many different forms and many different shapes. It could be from the crowd, I remember one show, one festival where the whole crowd were throwing glowsticks the whole show. It was like something out of a movie, it was crazy. People just get excited, do different things, it all links back to the excitement. It gets crazy.

With American Idol kicking off soon, what are your views on entering the music business through shows like that as opposed to working on mixtapes features etc to get your name out there?

Really, theres a lot of artists who have made a debut and who have emerged onto the music scene through television. It’s really becoming a huge market and a huge market. I’ve even collaborated with artists who came about through these shows. It really depends on what you do with it, if you really take it seriously, you can make something happen off of television.

If you hadn’t made it into the rap game, what would you be doing instead?

If I didn’t go into the rap game, I would be doing the most lucrative thing I could get my hands on. Or I’d be a chef.

Whose album have you got in rotation at the moment?

Right now I’m playing the Blackmill called Miracle. That thing’s on loop! And I’m playing 2 Chainz album. That’s on loop too.

People may not have been expecting a collaboration with Taylor Swift on Strange clouds, how did that come about?

The collaboration with Taylor Swift came about through an invitation to perform with Taylor Swift, she invited me to come out to Dallas to perform with her and when I got out there I decided to play her a song to see if she would be interested in being a part of it and when she heard the song she instantly was pulled in by it. She just really had a genuine like, a genuine passion about it and from their the rest is history. We performed that night, she recorded her parts for the song, shot the video, the video is dope, she was in good spirits in the video even though we were both in the middle of the wilderness. That was a tough video shoot, but we got it done, it came out beautiful.

Can we expect to see you featured on her upcoming RED album?

Well that’s up to her. If she would like to have the likes of such on her album.

What’s the latest on The Man and the Martian with T.I.?

Right now T.I. is trying to release his album, Trouble Man but once that’s out the way we’re going to then we’re going to focus a lot more on The Man And The Martian which we already have songs recorded for. It’s just, we’ve got to get our solo albums out the way, then we can really focus on it, have fun with it, so it’s something that’s coming. It’s in the works. We’ve just got to do it the right way.

How’s it been working with T.I. since his release?

TIP, he’s a worker, he’s a fu-kin’ machine when it comes to working. When you go in the studio with TIP, you know you’re going in and he works fast which is good. At this level of the music industry you’ve got to know what you want to do when you go in the studio. There’s no time when I go in the studio where I’m just twiddling my thumbs. If I don’t feel like there’s nothing to record, I’m not going in, but I’ve always got something to say so I’m always recording, always in the studio. There’s never a dull moment.

What was it like when you performed for Barack Obama? How did that come about?

President Barack Obama, I actually got a chance to perform for him twice which is pretty crazy. You know, after the first time, to get asked again, it’s a real historical moment as a hip hop artist to get to that point where you brush shoulders with the President. I guess for me it was a twice in a lifetime thing.

Are there any artists to producers that you’ve not yet worked with that you’d like to see featured on your upcoming album?

I just wanna work with certain artists. It doesn’t necessarily have to be on my album. I just wanna collaborate with artists like Skrillex, Bjork. Producers such as Timbaland, Danger Mouse, you know, just whoever’s down to make good music. That’s who I’m down to work with, you know, and who’s really willing to go beyond the envelope, really push the envelope beyond the boundaries, that’s the most important thing.

You released an iPhone game, Strange Clouds at the end of last month, how did you come up with the concept for that game and can we expect to see more releases alongside future projects?

We’ve been talking about that app for a minute. We’ve been working on that app since last year. Just developing a strong enough theme and concept which is based on the album so you know, we just took the idea and ran with it. It’s good finally to develop it and doing all the voices for it and all that. Just watching how it works, it’s pretty dope.

Oh yeah, I’m actually in a video game that’s coming out next year. I can’t really say what it is yet but you can play as me, I’m a character. Check it out next year.

With the NFL starting a couple weeks back, who have you got your money on?

You know I’m always a Falcons fan period. There’s a couple die hard fans over there in the corner (looks at Playboy Tre and B Rich). That’s the most die hard football fans period!

What’s the next video you intend to release from Strange Clouds?

The next video from Strange Clouds, actually I shot the video for “Just A Sign” featuring Playboy Tre, I;m just waiting on the right time to release it. I wanna do another video. I’m not gonna say what it is, what it’s gonna be, but it’s gonna be crazy as fu-k though. It’s gonna be the like, the last video that I shoot for Strange Clouds and it’s gonna be the craziest video off the whole fu-king album. And that’s gonna be it, then I’ll move onto the next one.

Source: D Dot Omen

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