Sunday, August 26, 2012

Is hip hop is ready for a gay rapper?

This was originally supposed to just be me telling you guys that Snoop's okay with their being a gay rapper, but then I was like why not share my own personally views that's what blogs are for right? I find it extremely hypocritical almost funny that minorities are so anti gay, it's almost like you guys forgot about slavery, and that  we've been fighting for equal rights ever since (oh wait they "choose" to be gay right? Take a \_ along with the rest of the closed minded idiots who still think the world is flat.) What exactly makes gay marriage wrong (and unless you're NOT a sinner and living by ALL teachings and values your religion teaches don't try to bring that into this. How are you gonna uphold someone to standards you yourself aren't even keeping?), besides the fact that unless you are in fact a gay man the thought of two men having sex probably isn't too appealing. Some of you may not know this but people can actually have sex WITHOUT being married. I know most of you think that relationships are all about "effortless" guilt free unprotected (I'll never forget the first time I was inside a girl and she told me she wanted to "feel me" I was so confused at first, then she explained and I was all ^__^) sex and being a wall flower not because you can't dance but because your being "faithful". But Lush if they can have sex and shake their groove thing anyway why bother to get married? Well off the top of my head there's the whole if one of them dies who gets to keep the kids (remember they're not married so it's not like they both have equal rights to the kid)? How about the fact that
married couples get tax cuts? Most jobs only offer health insurance that covers couples that are in wed lock, not love. So being married does actually have its benefits (not enough for me to wanna do it, but I could see why someone would at least consider it), and since we're in America shouldn't we all be entitled to said benefits? Now considering this is in fact a music blog and not just my own personal soap box, let me attempt to tie this into music. Recently same sex marriage was passed in the birth place of hip hop, New York, and many rapper including Jay-Z, Nas, and Kendrick Lamar all voiced there support. Frank Ocean's highly anticipated channel ORANGE became even more anticipated when it came out that he himself was bi sexual (I ain't even gonna front the first time I heard the album I was about halfway through Forrest Gump before I realized what he talking about). Lil B even titled his album "I'm Gay" and received hate from the hip hop community (The Game called him "the wackest rapper of all time" for the title), but got death threats from others. So this all leave us with one question, is hip hop ready for an openly gay rapper? Personally I think it would be dope cause lets face it, the gays make great musicians (you haven't lived until you've bumped Rocket Man by Elton John at ignorant levels), from Elton John to Rostram Batmanglij of Vampire Weekend and I don't care if he wasn't your favorite N'Sync's Lance Bass is gay and them boys made some of the best pop music ever. I think hip hop could maybe have an openly gay rapper but he'd have to be a goon, if not nobody would take him seriously and he'd be hot for like a for a little minute then he'd be on youtube talking ish about how his album didn't get promoted properly. We need somebody that's kinda scary like Gunplay if he came out and said he was gay I don't think anybody would step to him. You can hate on lifestyles but you can't hate on pure talent, you might not like his lifestyle but you would still have to salute him for both verses on Power Circle and Cartoons and Cereal. (Gunplay isn't gay by the way it's just an example I don't need this to get to him then he sues me for slander.) Well I guess I'll leave you all with this quote from Snoop Dogg who recently spoke on the possibility of a openly gay rapper and Frank Ocean's coming out, "People are learning how to live and get along more, and accept people for who they are and not bash them or hurt them because they’re different...When I was growing up, you could never do that and announce that, there would be so much scrutiny and hate and negativity, and no one would step (forward) to support you because that’s what we were brainwashed and trained to know."

written by, @LUSHnLUSTnoLOVE

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