Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Interesting breakdown of Lupe Fiasco's new song "Lamberghini Angel's"

I found this online, this is one of the reason's I love Lupe, his music is always filled with so many double entrees that you can interpret it in many different ways. I'll admit this guy might be reaching a bit but it's dope that Lupe actually has the listener at least attempting to think outside the box.

It's a mad world out here, I tell you
The world's gone stark, raving mad
Everyone in the world is mad
It's a mad crazy world 

[Hook x2]
I see diamond-flooded demons (Rappers)
Lamborghini angels (Expensive Cars)
Lamborghini angels
Lamborghini angels
Halos down with the doors flapping when they came through 
Halos down with the doors flapping when they came through
(Rappers flashing Demonic/Illuminati handsigns while getting in out of the Expensive Cars (lambos))

[Verse 1]
With a circle on the floor he compels them to be pure
(A Rapper (Kanye West) is praying to Satan inside of a Pentagram, Satan lets him know he will give them the world if he follows The EVIL ONE)
Pulls the beast out of his heart then impales it on a sword
(Kanye accepts Satan as his saviour and rejects Jesus Christ, ("I told God I'll be back in a second"-Kanye from (Can't tell me Nothing), and Satan makes a blood sacrifice to seal the deal (kills his Mother)) 
Writes a prayer on some paper and then he nails it to the door

(Rapper writing Lyrics and putting out songs filled w/ Satanic Negative Energy
"I fantasized 'bout this back in Chicago/Mercy, mercy me, that Murcielago
That's me, the first year that I blow....We stopped the ignorance, we killed the enemies
Sorry for the night demons still visit me"-Kanye West, Can We get much Higher)

Just the good of you may enter by the mercy of the lord

(Play on words, This Lupe dropping hints that this verse is about Kanye West. "Just the good of you may enter" refers to Kanye's Label G.O.O.D. Music, Mercy of the Lord=Murcielago, Kanye Just dropped a song called Mercy))

Listen not to what he speaks, that's been the cursing of his cause
A seduction of his senses by the devils he adores

(Kanye's Lyrics, dope beats, and fame are actually part of the curse that he himself accepted and worked at perfecting, only for it to be used for Satan's demonic purposes, which was not his original intention (i.e., Jesus Walks)

The unholy has him hostage and his soul is now at war
Follow not his secret knowledge it will bring you no reward

(Lupe is Referring to All of Kanye's References to the Illuminati, This "Secret Knowledge" will bring you no rewards, he actually is just doing this as a marketing ploy to sell more music, (i.e. "Kanye and Jay-Z are in the illuminati), not really, but his soul is still being held hostage by Satan/Evilness because he sold out a long time ago and is being used to promote negativity, but their is still a good part in him that struggles to be free) 

Shunning while in public disallow him from your stores

(Stopping Worshiping this idiot and stop listening to his music)

Have no part in his affairs 'less his pestilence be yours

(Keep listening to him, and you will catch the disease of greed and negativity (sex and violence without peace or purpose) and will not be able to maximize your true potential and make a positive impact on the world)

Make scoundrels of the righteous and virgins into whores

(Listening to this type of music over and over again brainwashes you and can actually affect your actions in real life, and basically turn you out, from a good person to a bad person, and can even turn a virgin into a whore)

But we must still pray that his colour will be cured

(Kanye has been wearing all black lately, (All Black Everything), which, in this case, is a metaphor for darkness and demonic possession. So we must still pray for Kanye in hopes that he will be free from his Demonic possession. (Let me be clear that Kanye is not conducting Seances in his room at night, but through his lyrics and penchant for money, hoes (Only a Demon would view Kim Kardashian as a "perfect b!tch", cars, and clothes, when he was raised in a good home and could be setting a better example for the youth, definately shows that he joined the "Dark Side" A long Time Ago. It is very difficult to Master the Force, to become an agent of change, to do good in Society. It takes Years to become a Jedi Knight. But so goes the saying, "With great power comes great responsibility" -Voltaire )
[Hook x2]

[Verse 2: Lupe Fiasco]
With her eyes to the ceiling and a needle in her brain

(This is a metaphor for a turntable setup, the two records are the eyes and the needle in her brain is the needle on the record. Therefore this verse is about the music itself, personified as a woman, and djs who control what gets played in the clubs, radios, etc.)

He looks back into the crowd, wipes the blood and then explains

(The DJ scratches the record, and then starts to talk about what happened to hip-hop)

How she slipped from this existence to the realm of the deranged

(How Hip-Hop lost her mind (i.e. went crazy), no longer is it about Knowledge of Self, Respect, or Skills)

Her becoming must be halted to reverse what she became

Hip-hop must be killed in order to reverse the damage she has caused to the youth, the hood, and families in general 

From the looseness of her tongue, to the pollution of her aims
To do nothing is barbaric, the solution is humane

(Her tongue is not sharp, meaning the skills aren't there anymore, and her topics are polluted, (i.e. drugs, sex, misogyny, violence) 

You must destroy the mind and hopefully retrain
You torture out the wildness, then replace it with the tame
Blank slate when she recovers, she won't even know her name

Lupe is suggesting that All DJs boycott their jobs and refuse to play this negative b.s. on the radio/in clubs and start playing positive uplifting music (that is of good quality of course) until there comes a time when no one remembers that type of music anymore 

Perfect wife and perfect lover, no resistance, no complaints
May God bless the scientific cure for the insane
Knew that she shouldn't go to school, but she thought that that should change

(This New Version of Hip-Hop is Awesome, tight beats, positive lyrics, party music without the misogyny, which can only be brought about by issuing a moratorium on all current radio stations playing hip-hop) God bless this solution. Lupe sees hip-hop as being innocent when she was initially raised and kept in the house (inside of black American culture), but as soon as she went to school (blew up nationally and internationally), she learned how to be bad from the other children (the money and fame that comes with popularity (symbolic of the transition of hip-hop to pop music), which influenced her lyrics and songs in a negative way)

[Hook x2]

[Verse 3]

(This verse is about the Record Industry and how Record Companies Rape Rappers, financially, lyrically, and spiritually, and used black people to promote White Supremacy

With his crucifix inside his pocket said his mission is divine

(The same way churches use God to brainwash and control the masses, rappers think signing a record deal is like a gift from God, and thus never reads his contract or questions the "mission" of these companies, which is to make money and promote White Supremacy) 

Put his bible on the bed and then he touched on his behind
Told him take off all his clothes and put your penis next to mine
Now the little boy think it's normal because they do this all the time

(The record companies rape the rappers with slave deals (360s), taking a majority of their publishing, licensing, and royalty fees. Because this is done to everyone, they think that this practice is normal)

With no life inside his body now he finally thinks he's safe
But they cut off all his fingers while they piss all in his face

(They have no handle aka control of their careers and are constantly being sh!tted on by record execs)

He take pictures with his killers then they sneak back to the states

(They are forced to mingle with Execs. and people who don't give a damn about them and who have a hand in the destruction and death of youth through the audio-visual form of mental slavery) 

Now he sit next to the picture of his wife when she was raped

(The rappers promote degrading and misogynistic images of women, the majority of whom are black and latino, in their songs and videos, which lowers their self-worth, self-image, just like when the wives of male slaves were raped by their masters on the slave plantations in America)

With the teleprompter rolling he looks right into the lens

(At the awards shows, the rappers love to thank God)

Doesn’t mention his redemption but absolves him of his sins

(God knows these rappers are sick and need to redeemed, notice they never thank Jesus Christ, who died for their sins; therefore the "god" they are really thanking is Satan. God still absolves them of their sins, because we are all children of the Most High who have fallen short in one way or the other)

He forgives them in advance says that he will do again
((God forgives, and I don't,) this is a shot at Rick Ross and all the other fake rappers promoting negativity and the agenda of White Supremacy; God still Loves them too) 

[John F. Kennedy]
My fellow Americans...

[Hook x2]

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